Open enrollment at Grand View continues daily through July. There will be another evening enrollment tomorrow, Thursday, July 15th.. Ms. Salazar will be available to assist all parents, and computers will be provided.
With a recent increase in COVID cases in our region, and arrival of the COVID Delta Variant in Northeastern Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation Health Services is offering an opportunity for COVID immunizations for area schools.
Please answer the following 5-question survey by noon on Wednesday, July 7th, so we can determine how to best meet the COVID safety needs of Grand View School.
Charger Challenge Camp starts on Tuesday, June 1st and ends June 24th. We will be in session Monday through Thursday from 8:00-3:00. The doors will open at 7:30 when breakfast will be served. Students can be dropped off at the parent line north of the school (not the gravel lot). Students will enter the front door of the building to go to the cafeteria. Students can be picked up at the Early Childhood Building at the end of the day after buses have loaded. Parents can refer to the bus schedule to determine the pick up time for your students' bus stop in the morning. Buses will leave school at 3:00 in the afternoon and run the routes in reverse order of the morning. The bus schedule can be found on the school website under Summer School. The dress code and behavior expectations will be the same as during the school year. Open-toed shoes and flip flops are not to be worn. Masks will be required while inside buildings on the Grand View campus.
1. No afterschool next week.
2. Laptops, hotspots, chargers, library books, and distance learning packets need to be turned in to the main office by 3:30 Monday.
3. Yearbooks will be handed out to 8th grade and Kindergarten on Monday. Other grades may still purchase yearbooks for $25 and they get theirs on Wednesday.
4. 8th grade promotion is Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Grand View gym. Tickets are required for entry. Parking along the fence is for emergency vehicles and those with handicap placards only. All other individuals must use the gravel lot on the east side of Jarvis Road. The Kindergarten promotion parade is set for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
5. Last day of school is Wednesday. Morning plans include yearbook distribution, summer reading book giveaway, then lunch will be served. You may pick your child up any time after 11:00 a.m. Please bring a photo ID for early pickup. Buses will run at their normal time.
Purchased yearbooks will be passed out on Wednesday before early dismissal at 11 a.m. 8th grade students will receive theirs on Monday. It is not too late to purchase a yearbook. The price to purchase a yearbook is $25.
The Caring Van will be on campus tomorrow to provide FREE childhood vaccinations. The west gate will be open at 9:30. If you need to accompany your child or complete paperwork park next to the Caring Van. If you have questions you may call Ladona at 918-456-5131.
On Wednesday a letter is being sent to families that need to complete school enrollment forms. Completed enrollment is required to participate in Charger Challenge Camp summer programs.
Pre-enrollment for all Grand View students is open now for a limited time.
Transfer guidelines apply to any non-district residents wanting their child to attend Grand View School and can be found on the school website.
The Oklahoma Caring Van will be at Grand View School May 14, 2021 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Nurses from this organization will be administering free vaccinations for current Grand View students needing new immunizations or updated booster shots. Immunization Consent Forms are posted on the website under the News Section about Immunizations. You may also pick up forms at the school. Please take advantage of this free service to keep your child up to date on shots and streamline your enrollment process. For more information call Ladona Walls, Health Aide, 918-456-5131 ext 505.
Lastly, the last day of after school is Friday May 14th.
The last day of afterschool is Friday, May 14th.
Applications for the Grand View Summer program are being sent home. Copies are also available on the school website. To guarantee a space for your child a completed application must be submitted by April 14th. Additionally, pre-enrollment must be complete before your student is are eligible to attend Summer School. To simplify the process we recommend that you complete both pre-enrollment and the summer application ASAP.
If you have any questions, please call the school.
f you have a student enrolled in the after-school program, Grand View needs you to take the 21st CCLC Parent Survey. This organization provides the grant money that helps fund our afterschool program. You can find the survey at the following link (case sensitive):
We will have chromebooks available April 12th - April 23rd if you would like to take the survey at school when picking up your child from afterschool. .
Thank you in advance for completing this important survey.
Lynn Bookout
Reminder that Friday is a Virtual Day and it will be asynchronous learning day. Also 60-Day Child Care Subsidy are available for Job Searching Oklahomans. Click the link below for more information or visit or the Grand View app.
Reminder that tomorrow is early release at 2:00 p.m. Also there is no after school. Thank you and have a good evening.
Grand View School is currently enrolling students for the next school year. This enrollment is open until April 16th for students that are district residents and currently attending Grand View School. Please click the link for enrollment information.
Enrollment dates for new students and transfer students will be held later this spring and summer.
Lastly, classroom group photos will be retaken this Thursday. Photos will be taken of any students who have not had an individual picture taken this school year.
School resumes Monday. Food pick-up and delivery resumes Monday too. School will dismiss on Friday at 2:00 p.m. so staff can get the last vaccination shot. There will be no after school on Friday. Thank you and have a good evening.
Cherokee Nation Summer Food Program is accepting applications. Click the link for more information. Applications are due by April 14, 2021 by 5:00pm.
1. Food pick up and delivery continues tomorrow.
2. Friday will be a Virtual Day leading into Spring Break.
Summer School may be available for Grand View students. Please complete the brief 8 question survey to help determine if there's an interest in summer school programming. Complete a different survey for each student you have. Survey link:
Tahlequah Sports League is happy to announce signups are open!! ⚾️ 🥎
Now through March 15th 🖊
March- Practice/order uniforms
April & May- Play Ball!
At the very top of the webpage hit “Login” if returning, or “Register” if you’re new.
$65/player. Ages 4-16.
Double headers will be played on M,T & Th (only 1 game nightly for Teeballers which will be played on Mondays) 8 weeks of play.
Preseason and/or post season tourney.
Coaches and players are responsible for their own jerseys and team name.
If you are unable to get your kid on one of their friends teams, we will place them.
Coaches please sign up here too! Hit the volunteer link, once registered we will email you a link for your background check
Grand View School’s Indian Education programs are seeking your input. If your student is American Indian, please click on the survey link at the end of this message and complete the Indian Education Needs Assessment survey. Information collected from this survey is used solely for the purposes of gathering information to provide services for Native American students. Thank you for your assistance!
Reminder that today school will end at 2:00 p.m. today. There is no after school too. Please have your child ride the bus or pick them up by 2:15. Thank you.