Grand View School's Native American Education Program is a grant-funded program for those students with evidence of Native American ancestry. The program operates with guidance from Title VII and Johnson O' Malley.
Enrollment in JOM is not automatic at the time of school enrollment. A 506 Form and Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) card must be on file in order for a student to be enrolled and served. The JOM program will emphasize three main areas throughout the school year:
Cherokee Language
Native American Culture (Basket Weaving, Stickball, Beading, etc.)
Cherokee Government
Students will participate in mind and skill-developing activities. They will have opportunities to participate in exciting field trips that will not only enunciate their heritage but will offer cultural background knowledge. Assistance and activities we provide the JOM students are:
Assistance with school supplies
Cherokee Language Bowl
Cherokee Bowl
Cherokee Art Competition
Community Service
If you have any questions or need more information about Grand View's Indian Education, you may contact the front office.
Johnson O' Malley - Cherokee Nation